News and Insights

News and Insights

We Have Contributed to a Parliamentary Report on Digital Disengagement

The brief outlines motivational reasons for not being online or using digital devices, and how this can contribute to digital exclusion and other forms of inequality...

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Aphasia and Socio-Digital Exclusion

Aphasia impacts around 350,000 people in the UK, most often following a stroke, and is a complex language and communication disorder... 

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People with Learning Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Technology significantly grew in importance during the COVID-19 pandemic. It became the means by which many people stayed in touch with family and friends, pursued education, searched for jobs, ordered medical prescriptions...

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Is ChatGPT a Friend or Foe of Digital Inclusion?

As with other substantial technological developments, many now wonder how ChatGPT will impact society and workplaces. Will it deepen the digital divide or may this AI-powered system aid in making society more digitally inclusive? 

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We Need a Holistic Understanding of Digital Inclusion

We have earlier called attention to the importance of a multi-faceted approach to digital inclusion; one that understands that digital exclusion cannot be measured solely in terms of a lack of access...

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Digital Exclusion and the Cost-of-Living Crisis 

With rising living costs, households in the UK struggle to afford internet connectivity. According to recent research, two million households in the UK struggle to pay for internet bills, and 14 million people are unable to interact with online services due to low digital capability...

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The Importance of Digital Skills and Media Literacy for Identifying Fake News 

Greater engagement with social media platforms may yield greater participation in political discussions. These platforms can also offer the possibility for people to share stories that are important to them, and so give space to voices...

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Let’s Address the Underlying Causes of Digital Exclusion: A Lack of Confidence and Motivation

While a lack of access and underlying socioeconomic inequalities have rightly been highlighted as notable causes of digital exclusion, other important factors contribute to a persistent digital divide: including a lack of confidence and motivation...

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From Connectivity to Meaningful Connectivity?

How do we close the digital divide and when can we say that someone is sufficiently online? Although great strides have been made in terms of enabling online connectivity in the UK and beyond, many people are unable to reap the benefits of online opportunities...

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Is the Digital Strategy 2022 Taking Digital Inclusion Seriously Enough?

With the Digital Strategy 2022, the UK government pledges to harness digital innovation to build an  inclusive and competitive economy. This 92-page document outlines the visions and key decisions in order to create a thriving digital economy by focusing on six priority areas...

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