We Need a Holistic Understanding of Digital Inclusion

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We Need a Holistic Understanding of Digital Inclusion  

We have earlier called attention to the importance of a multi-faceted approach to digital inclusion; one that understands that digital exclusion cannot be measured solely in terms of a lack of access. For example, a lack of motivation and confidence is often correlated with limited digital literacy, and decreased ability to navigate the digital sphere and use online services. In short, we need to be holistic about digital inclusion!

A Forbes article, published April 9th by Tomoko Yokoi¸ echoes the same need for a multi-faceted approach [1]: “While investing in internet infrastructure is essential to bridge this [digital] divide, infrastructure alone does not necessarily translate into digital adoption and beneficial use”. Yokoi, urging major tech companies to use technology for good, demonstrates how digital inclusivity often goes beyond sheer accessibility. However, the World Benchmarking Alliance’s (WBA) Digital Inclusion Benchmark showed that “less than 14% of the world’s major technology companies deliver on digital inclusion” [2]. The study found that digital accessibility was not enough, but that “companies need to look at the holistic picture of what it takes to be digitally inclusive”. Such a holistic approach should take into account the wider cultural and societal factors that exacerbate the digital divide, often in those groups that already face significant inequalities.

The study found that those companies that demonstrate strong commitments to data privacy and child protection performed well across the benchmark: “They disclose what they are doing, conduct impact assessments to understand the risks, and try to fill the gaps by implementing skills programs for women and girls, for example.”

We fully agree with the concluding remarks by Yokoi that by adopting a “more holistic approach, there is a possibility to create a more digitally equitable and inclusive society.”


[1] Forbes / Tomoko Yokoi. (2023) Tech Companies Can Do More To Bridge The Digital Divide. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tomokoyokoi/2023/04/09/tech-companies-can-do-more-to-bridge-the-digital-divide/?sh=680b630bcec1

[2] World Benchmarking Alliance. (2023). Digital Inclusion Benchmark. https://www.worldbenchmarkingalliance.org/publication/digital-inclusion/

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